patient journey

Nikki’s Journey

The Best Dental Veneers in Houston

Nikki came to us with gapped teeth and peg laterals, a common condition where the patient’s side teeth are smaller, causing gaps. Dr. Antoun's team at Sapphire Smiles in Houston devised a unique solution: ultra-thin porcelain veneers bonded to the teeth's surface. When creating unique, custom porcelain veneers for our patients in Houston, we have precise control over the color, size, and shape of the teeth, as well as the overall smile appearance in proportion to the face. The result? Nikki’s confidence in her smile and overall appearance has been completely restored, which has had a transformative impact on her life. She no longer covers her mouth when she smiles and she is not afraid to laugh and enjoy conversations with friends, family and colleagues. She has a self-assured, positive outlook on her career and her personal life.

The beautiful, natural-looking veneers were meticulously crafted in a high-end dental lab by skilled technicians who work exclusively with our Houston veneers dental team at Sapphire Smiles, using premium-grade porcelain. We began with a thorough evaluation of Nikki’s teeth and dental health, created a tailored plan to achieve her unique smile goals, and finished with the bonding of her new custom veneers, totally revitalizing her smile and appearance.
When creating Nikki’s veneers, we carefully crafted the surface texture to imbue her smile with a natural radiance. The veneers have a subtle translucency along the edges of her veneers, enhancing her new, vibrant smile. Each smile makeover at Sapphire Smiles in Houston, Texas is unique, with a tailored choice of premium materials. You will never see opaque, lackluster veneers here, as we opt instead for the highest quality porcelain that mimics the light-reflecting properties of healthy enamel. That's the magic of Sapphire veneers!

“If I could describe my smile in one word, it would be ‘breathtaking!’ It’s the smile I’ve always wanted.”


Patient Journeys

Custom Tailored Cosmetic Dentistry

Before and after of patients teeth after a Smiles Family Dentistry Smile MakeoverBefore and after of patient's teeth after receiving veneers

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